Tuesday, May 20, 2008

One more day in bed, frustrating or what!

Bleugh, well, woke up with a cold this morning, all weak and hot and cold, so have scrubbed todays ride unfortunately. It's tough to take another day off like this, we're both keen to do the remaining 660 miles or so to the coast, but it's just not worth riding when you're weak and fluey, will prob just make myself worse.

So another day in bed for me watching family guy. We got room service breakfast and I embarrassed the waitress by lying around in my pants with my eyes closed, moaning softly in self-pity whilst Alan signed the bill. Alan is feeling ok now he's had a proper day's rest so has gone out on an unloaded solo blast up Lolo pass, I've told him I want an average of at least 17mph.

Yesterday we kicked around town, alan had to trawl the bike shops for a new saddle, and also went to the Adventure Cycling Association headquarters, where he now wants to work. I finished the antarctic exploration book in the sun by the river, providing a contrast to what they went through. There was some cool wave surfing going on with kayaks too, it's a cool town.

Hopefully I'll be fine tomorrow, we'll probably be off the internet for a few days though as there's not much in the valley and it'll take us a couple of days to get through it.


cooch said...

aw, poor mite - hope you feel better soon mate. Don't leave Bert to grab the glory by climbing passes "unloaded' and solo!

Still, if you're going to be holed up with the lurgy, there could be worse places.

Anonymous said...

Kelv - Getter better soon!

Bert - How was your unladen flight?

Anonymous said...

Get well soon Kelv! Gute Besserung!
Always remember: Aspirin + Paracetamol + Vitamin C, that's all you need. :D

Anonymous said...

At least it gives you time to take stock of what you've achieved so far. Enjoy the rest and keep drinking the OJ

Alan Buttler said...

g - the stripped down spin was great, so good to get out on the bike without the bags - I even took off the mudguards :D averaged 20mph there and back, was flying!!

Missoula is a great town, not a bad place at all to be taking a few days off.

Anonymous said...

us workers ya know :( so just catching up, bad luck K. - so whats the plan you able to get cracking again?