Writing my first state-side entry on 'Only Forward' I kinda feel like I'm imposing. So far all I've done is hire a behemoth SUV and drink a load of beer. Dr Hamilton however has reached this great town of Boulder not via supersonic speeds but by human power. Strangely, after my third glass of this moreish 'Fleur' wine Kelv bought from an off-license the size of an Asda, that feeling of imposing is diminishing rapidly.

So this is where it gets even more interesting. Mountains. Snow capped, bear infested, lion prowled, wind ravaged. Still seems hard to imagine sat here in a warm
little mountain hut in Boulder, but tomorrow I'll get a proper taste of whats to come. An old friend of my Dad's lives most of the year in Boulder, when he's not on the Continent reporting for his magazine
VeloNews. I'm meeting up with him at 8am outside a popular bikers coffee shop on Broadway, where we head out for his birthday ride into the mountains. A nice 60 miler to knock out the cobwebs and test out the bike thoroughly.

Today's been spent in various
bike shops parting with some serious dollars and using the well used but expensive mantra 'a trip of this scale warrants the best equipment'. I did a couple of short rides today to get the jet lag out my legs, following the Boulder creek offroad from the motel, then taking the
Four Mile canyon up into the hills. I still can't begin to explain how good the Tricross is, it excelled again on the offroad sections and ripped it up on the tarmac. Sell the car, sell the kids, sell the house. Buy one. You'll never look back :)
For those that are wondering, I can confirm that Kelvin is still pretty much as sane as he was when I last saw him, though he does seem prone to bouts of laughter at his own jokes. Not a great deal new there, but the jokes appear to be formed in his own head without him actually speaking them aloud.

Plans now are swinging between spending the next month in Boulder and sacking off the whole trip, or more likely starting out on Tuesday for Fort Collins then onto Laramie. We've changed the route before hitting Vancouver, instead of Seattle being the final goal in the USA, we're switching to the Pacific and Lewis & Clarks
Fort Clatsop. We're aiming to ride the NorthWest Passage over the Rocky's into Idaho, so Clatsop couldn't be a better final destination before heading north for Vancouver.
I still can't fathom that at some point in the next month that we'll actually be in Vancouver, after passing through Wyoming with the Grand Teton and Yellowstone parks, mountainous Montana, Lewis & Clarks Idaho, then finally Washington state with the Nez Perce Indian reserve and Christ knows what else in between. How Kelv comprehends it I've no idea, though I have a suspicion he's been snorting his chain lube to cope with the immensity of it all.

Back to now. We're crashed out in the hut after a filling meal and interesting chin wag with some locals, second bottle of wine near empty and some deep techno on the laptop. I'm totally blown away of what I've seen of Boulder so far. Bob why did you ever leave?! Its a cyclists paradise, where all fanatics go to die after sacrificing themselves in the mountains to the God that is Gravity. If tonights drunken ramblings are anything to go by, we're both moving here...
Good to read your drunken ramblings! nice photos too. Looks like Kelv is handy with the old blade there too.
Yes, please stay there and open up a Welsh-themed coffee-shop/bar/record shop/bike shop. We'll come and visit every summer and send you photos from Europe that you can stick over the counter while you both recover from the latest trail riding epic, listening to some esoteric electronica and sipping micro-brewery steam ale.
Alternatively, complete the rest of the trip and then come back to Boulder. First of all you'll have finished the trip and won't have that nagging feeling constantly in the back of your mind, what if...? And secondly, you'll get to visit lots of other new and interesting places which will either take some of the novelty sheen off Boulder (unlikely) or will doubly re-affirm your gut feeling that Boulder is the best place on earth (more likely).
Either way, you win!
Move on boys, that's my town and you are about to outstay your welcome, I have always said that is the 1 place in the world I would be perfectly happy to settle down and spin away my days. it has a vibe that is hard to describe, man I am so jealous, get out of there asap or you might never leave.
Bert - where are your panniers and mud guards? your Tricross is looking too sporty.
the Boulder creek route used to be my training loop... *weep*
When you make your route planning, make sure you include Snoqualmie, North Bend and Fall City when passing through Washington state. Ok?
What up Bert baby!
Kid put a post up about your mission so I thought I'd send you some Afterdark loving! Hows it been going? Kid said you were doing it minus the saddle so I assume all that training in Brighton paid off nicely ;)
Looks like your having a blast mate, how can you not when your doing what you love eh!
You take good care my friend and and sure you hit us up when you get your (prob very sore) ass back in the UK.
Peace n Bass matey!
Itchy Shy Bot
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