With comments, that's how. We love comments. We're writing this stuff for you, and it gladdens our little lycra clad hearts when we log on at the end of a long tough day of weather, dangerous incidents, and sneaky road games to find interesting comments. It lets us know that people out there are interested in what's going on. It also leads to lots of gloating and snide comments if one of our posts gets more comments than the other. That's my favourite bit to be fair.
No more comments from me until both of you sport such a fine moustache as displayed by Herbert Kitchener.
I'm not posting nothing...
ah crap...
seriously though, still reading everyday, just some of us work for a living and don't have time to write big long posts commenting on your envious adventures...
fortunately I'm a slacker so this has now turned out to be fairly long.
I'm off out tonight on the MTB all 30 miles of proper climbing, none of this flat rockies nonsense. And in proper hard weather, its drizzling a soaking, none of this nonsense snow pussy weather.
I'm off to delude/convince myself some more...
check out the 'extreme' hail we had in a monumental thnuder storm last weekend..
soory link didnae work.. try this
ok, now I'm getting annoyed...
try reconstructing that so it makes sense...
stupid blog forum message thing
put a .jpg on the end of the link above...
bet you wish you hadn't asked for lots of posts now...
agh! don't encourage them g - they have enough trouble coping with one pair of handlebars
ah, ok, no handlebar moustaches, but cavalry officers uniforms please!
If you are feeling brave enough to reconnect with the real world, here is a great Special Comment rant for you to watch. Depending what part of America you're in at the moment, maybe headphones are advised. The guy's passion and anger are inspiring. Reminded me a bit of you, Kelv - in a good way, of course.
I'll post the link as the URL under my name too, in case it doesn't work in this text box...
Shw mae Kelv & Bert!
I'm thoroughly enjoying reading the blogs of your epic journey. Certainly beats doing any work. I'm off on a cycling 'holiday' to Majorca on Sunday - it's training for the Devil Ride in August. It's raining in Majorca and in Wales! Keep up the good work.
Happy cycling. Gwen x
hoo hoo gwyd we're just watching the special comment rant you posted, is awesome, we are laughing our heads off and nodding thoughtfully, does he really remind you of me? awesome!
gwen, didn't know you were doing the devil, will be great to see you again, will cook a big mushroom stroganoff for you
darren, will get on with reconstructing your pic next
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