Saturday, May 24, 2008

Heading to Lewiston, Idaho

we're getting ready to roll along highway 12, about 70 miles to lewiston. Weather is fine and wind-free so far, supposed to be about 23 degrees today

should be another long river cruise, let's hope so


Unknown said...

The photographs are simply breath-taking; I’m surprised you make any progress at all with such stunning scenery to take in . . . . However, regardless of your extended stop-over in Missoula, you would appear to be on track which is pretty good going – especially considering the awful weather you had on Thursday and Kelvin still struggling to shake off the lurgy!

I imagine it's a tad tiresome to sit and blog something after a long ride – so perhaps we can give you some encouragement by saying how eagerly each entry is awaited. Well done both and thank you. :)

Cooch' your history entry has motivated me to learn more – I’m sending for Encyclopaedia of North American Indians (Frederick E. Hoxie),

cooch said...

The pursuit of the Nez Perce - it is one hell of a story - Oregon author George Venn commented that it was the

'meanest, most contemptible, least justifiable thing that the United States was ever guilty of'

Some stiff competition there...

After sneaking around a bit more today, I was gutted to find that Chief Joseph's speech may have been constructed by a US Cavalry Officer, sympathetic to the Nez Perce cause.

Chief Joseph was renowned for his eloquence, so it's sort of sickening to think that this famous speech was written by a Cavalry soldier, C. E. S. Wood

Anyhow, enjoy your new reading, Mum. Or should I now call you Kate in the Shadow of Alltwnnog?