Bert rode solo today, i'll be riding again from tomorrow now that i'm well rested and a little fatter, although the weather is for the usual mix of strong headwinds, thunderstorms and snow showers. Gotta be done though.
Below is some video of bert having a tour de france moment, 90 miles done, 50 of them into a big headwind, 30 to go, looking at finishing just before dark. James has also been doing some biking, i've been throwing him out of the truck at the top of the hills on my bike, and he's been descending and climbing the smaller hills like a fiend, despite feeling some altitude effects as we were at about 8000-9000 feet all day.
(Click on the videos to play them)
Right now Jimbo Jammer is out in the truck tailing bert for the last few miles into town in case bert burns out. We caught up with him at mile 90 and you could see he was feeling it a bit, but still going strong.
I'm here! Was a long tough day, head wind all the way from Fort Collins, then a steady incline to the Wyoming border. I was pretty beat when Kelv and Jammer caught up with me at 90 miles and with the knowledge of more climbing to come and a monster storm on my tail.
But once I got closer to Wyoming I had a great surge of energy from the reserves after remembering the last 15 miles or so was downhill. I actually cried when I reached the ridge line and saw Laramie 20 miles away on the plain below!!
The descent was adrenaline fueled, roaring at the top of my voice (bit weird in hind sight) and screaming Fuck You. (No offence meant, but I'm more than sure Wyoming will make me pay for that outburst very soon).
I can fully appreciate now how Kelv felt on those long rides with nothing for 50 miles +, I was starting to loose it a little after 8 hours in the sun.
Shower now, then a quick swim at the hotel before some mammoth foodage!
Great stuff - liked the video - very pro :-)
More please!
Kelv, ya lazy git, get back on the bike...
The similarity between the two videos of Bert and James cycling is uncanny! Still not sure who is who. :)
Go go James! Show the other two how it's done!!
Way to go, dude!
(sorry, slipped into the vernacular there)
Laramie - I vaguely remember watching the TV Western series as a kid. What I did not know was that Hoagy Carmichael starred in the series.
Born in Indiana, Hoagy had a rough life as a youngster. He supplemented the family income by working in a bike chain factory (honest!) and playing piano, a skill he picked up from his mother.
After graduating in Law he kept up his studies and music for a while, moving between NYC and Florida in the process. When he started to write successful songs (Stardust, Lazybones, Georgia on My Mind) and the royalties poured in he devoted himself to music.
In 1935 he moved to California, accepting a contract with Paramount for $1,000 a week. That's a whole lotta dosh!
The only reason I know his name is from reading the Guinness Book of Records as a kid.
His song "I'm a Cranky Old Yank in a Clanky Old Tank on the Streets of Yokohama with my Honolulu Mama Doin' Those Beat-o, Beat-o Flat-On-My-Seat-o, Hirohito Blues" was always listed as the longest song title. It may still be for all I know.
Lennon reckoned Hoagy was his favourite songwriter, which is quite a commendation, in my eyes.
Random post originating from the place name "Laramie" over.
Route plans, bro?
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