Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Locked and Loaded

It's done. Bike dismembered and stuffed into a cardboard box, felt like I'd murdered it and was gonna chuck it in the canal. Everything else packed. Can't believe it's really happening. Can't wait.

For you hardcore cyclists:

Weight of all-up bike + racks + mudguards: 15kg
Weight of luggage + panniers + bags: 14kg
Food and water will be extra.

Not bad for an all-weather long distance rough camping tour I reckon.


Anonymous said...

How much does your FMG-9 weigh?


What do you mean, you're not taking your FMG-9??

Kelv said...

oh man i want one of those! guess i'll have to make do with bear spray and a pen knife though :-(

damn those gun regulations, long live the NRA!

perhaps they will let me have an mp5