Monday, March 31, 2008

Damn ferries

hey there people, i should warn you that alan is prone to making up outrageous lies about me, so be warned.

have done about 800 miles total, so am getting on well, averaging 70 miles a day no worries

am in Gulf Shores at the moment, just south of Mobile (pronounced mobeeel for all you brits), in a public library as no internet cafes around, loads of wifi hotspots around but i don't got a pc, may buy a wee one soon as it's a bit of pain

i've been island hopping along the gulf coast for the last few days, man it's beautiful, am having an awesome time, really need to wash my bike clothes though, it's been a week now ;-)

today i left at dawn, rode 20 miles along the island to get the ferry, waited an hour, then a guy turned up and said 'ferry cancelled', damnit, so had a 20 mile backtrack ride into major cold headwind, so i've done 40 hard miles today and gone nowhere! so think i might just call it a day, camp out somewhere and clear mobile tomorrow, which looks like a lot of dual carriageway hassle

have got loads photos but is a bit of hassle to upload them here, i'm a couple days behind schedule cos of the damn ferry but will upload them all when i get to Brandon's house in a few days, assuming he lets me touch his laptop anyway

ok i best post this now as my time is about run out

more in a few days


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should go get an Asus EeePC. They're very tiny and cheap, and shopuld be even cheaper in the US (as everything is cheaper there). Could be the right thing for you.