We've finally made it to the Pacific, though not on 2 wheels but in the hire car. Neither of us feel any regrets at all for completing the trip in this fashion, we just simply ran out of time. We'd budgeted a day to ride the 110 miles from Portland to Seaside, but driving the route today there was no way we'd have made it in less than 2 days. Bizarrely the road out towards Astoria was one of the hilliest we've encountered in the whole trip. That combined with the headwind, busy main road road and narrow or non-existent hard shoulder would have made it a very gritty end to the trip. Instead, we've taken a leisurely drive after a mammoth shopping spree in Portland this morning.

Portland rocks. Pure and simple, its the best place I've been to on the whole trip. We explored most of the Pearl district today and some of the east side, hunting down bike shops around the city. I bit the bullet and bought a singlespeed. My God its good. A Swobo Del Norte. It's a solid build with a switchable rear hub, fixed one side and freewheel the other. It also will take panniers & mudguards (I'm planning to ride it on the Ireland tour later this year) and it'll take 32mm tires so it can be used offroad. Its a beast, solid and mean looking. It felt great cruising around Portland on it whilst Kelv jogged alongside in his new Brook running shoes.

I could get used to riding it round this super bike friendly city...

Seaside has been a bit of a let down, the weather is overcast, its cold and the main town is like Skegness. Not quite what we expected. The beach however is great with fine white sands and scattered groups huddled around beach fires lighting up the 5 mile seafront. Tomorrow we're going to clean up the Tricross' and take them for a spin out to Fort Clatsop before unfurling the Welsh flag as we hold them aloft standing in the Pacific. If the weather doesn't improve we'll likely head back to Portland. Monday we drive up to Vancouver.

Its strange but the trip doesn't actually feel like its over, even though we've made it to the coast. If anything it feels like a new one is about to start. I'm so motivated by cycling now that I can't wait to get back to the UK to get out on the bike(s). The Tricross will be converted back to offroad use ready for tackling the South Downs, the Swobo is going to be upgraded with new bar tape, toeclips and a single front brake ready for practicing riding fixed on Brighton seafront, and the Trek is going to get a nice new set of racing wheels ready for the Devil Ride. Bring it on.
I've got a big blog brewing (no I don't need the toilet), about all the little things I've forgotten over the last month, but nows not the time. I need booze and tunes. Tonight I need bed :0)
Big lol at the fortune cookie! Love & hugs from Gwydion and Sophie in Helsinki!
Bertie bike buying Buttler!
Dont forget to buy yourself a BMX for those "hazy evenings reliving my early teen years", shortly before building a ramp out of some driftwood and buckling the front wheel as the bike stops but you don't
Nice to see you have made it.
Congrats from J,H,J and E
Pacific!! terrific :-)
Well done Kelvin & Alan
Nice SS, funnily enough I just myself an SS, its an MTB though ;-P
that's a corking looking bike Bert - very military in it's execution. Nice.
Top stuff on making it all the way across and loving that fortune cookie - you planted it right? had to have done :)
Swobo Del Norte- £449.00 in the UK from Stif. Ho ho ho :)
If only I didn't live 70 miles away from the office I could be tempted with one of those.
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