At 16:30 I nipped out of the office early to go and try a Tricross at a local Specialized dealer, who had built one up in my size. One lap around the local park totally sold it - I knew I couldn't go home with out it; negotiations began, loads of cool gear was piled up on the counter, and I finally got away at about 1900 an hour after the shop should have shut.
Unfortunately I couldn't take it for a proper run tonight, as I had guests coming over, but it will get it's first proper outing tomorrow, and I can't wait. Katie already calls it "the bitch", as she says I've been giving it more attention than her this evening - surely competition is healthy??
"The Bitch" looking for attention
A table full of "necessary" extras - I'm sure they totally saw me coming, but I'm chuffed to bits with all of it, and can't wait to be out there on a ride with you all!
Hopefully next time we all meet up I can do better than the 12 miles I managed in the peak district (on the flat) before putting it into the back of the car, and driving back from the pub!
Yay! Jammer the biker! Woohoo! Welcome aboard.
The Bitch looks awesome, shows how battered mine has become! The sport will do you proud.
Your table of goods all looks pretty essential for proper riding, although maybe you don't need to carry salt and pepper mills around. Apples are debatable, bert usually carries a bag of pork pies on day rides.
So young jammer, I'm back in Gatwick around the 1st of August, let us plan some rides! Maybe wales would be a good place, it is known for being flat after all.
Am stoked for you mate, that 'buying first decent bike' feeling is awesome.
Sweet baby jesus! Look at all that kit! :) Nice one Jammer, no point doing things by halves. See you in Wales ;o)
"first bike" a Specialised Tricross ;) way to go mate! Couldn't be better!
Proud of you James - you won't regret a thing as you travel the countryside under your own steam.
Another convert :-)
Aye, nice one.
Won't be long before your buying a single speed and other stuff to make life harder!
As for this flat Wales... where is this mythical land you speak of?
Finally got to use it today - did about 10 miles on a reasonably rough canal towpath. Absolutely loved it, and am still grinning. Front deraileur cable seems to have stretched already, so I'll be tweaking that tonight ready for tomorrow's ride :)
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