Monday, April 21, 2008

Chickasha, Oklahoma

just quick update, wifi real dodgy in this cheap motel so prob not gonna be able to upload pics. Stayed in a campsite in Sulphur last night, shoulda been 25 dollars but kind lady did it for 5 as i'm only in a wee tent. Long hard hot ride to Chickasha today, plains look flat but actually loads of short sharp hills in and out of creeks. Gonna do some laundry and have a good feed, will try to write more later. Really appreciate all the comments, I well look forwards to getting some internet so can read them, keeps me going up them hills!

have had a lot of dogs harassing me, but when i mentioned i was riding in a sandwich shop they started telling me how one of their friends got attacked by a mountain lion (cougar) whilst cycling! Apparently there's loads of them around this way. Scary.

might have another rest day tomorrow as knees are twinging a little from all the climbing, we will see, in good shape really



Unknown said...

perhaps you should carry a can of whiskers around with you in case the cats come hunting, you can fob them off with it then gauge then with the ring pull lid?
I am a little concerned that the rollers of Oklahoma and causing you problems, because in about 700 miles you will hit the flatirons of CO before charging through the rockies... you get your rest sunshine! so up the pan handle and into the Colorado desert, I drove that part of your journey back in summer '03 we took I412 to Boise City (very much not a city!) and then took 287/385 North, it is along these 2 roads I remember seeing couple of kinks in the road and looked forward to getting to a non straight part of the road for about 6 hours, they came, and went! and nothing but crop circles and dust were in between! good luck - it will be a good test of solitude... that aside I am still very envious. wish I could join you mate, Keep on trucking :D

Kelv said...

hmm well the knees comment is causing some concern, they always twinge a bit on long rides, and I always take great notice of aches and pains so they don't turn into something nasty, so don't worry, i'm just being cautious as i got a long way to go

i've done over 1800 miles now, which is just under half way, and am going strong. I've been blasting up the oklahoman and texan rollers because it's fun being so fit, but will probably ease off a bit cos there's still a long ways to go

oh yeah pa, when you choose 'anonymous' for the comment there's no wee box to type your name in, just stick it in with the rest of your comment in the big box, then click 'publish your comment'. Come on, you can do it. Give him support everyone.